Authorities say a census worker found hanging from a tree in Kentucky with the word "Fed" on his chest committed suicide and staged his death to look like a homicide. 政府宣称,在肯塔基州,一名从事人口调查工作的工人在一棵树上吊死亡。死者在胸口上写有“Fed”的字样后自杀,并伪装成他杀。
It takes a brave man to hold the depreciating US dollar on the Fed's word. 但美元都已经贬值成这样了,谁还敢听美联储的话持有美元呢?
Our faith is fed by the Word of God and by our prayer life. 我们要藉著神的话语和祷告生活,来坚固我们的信仰。
Sometimes, when I am really fed up, I Google the essay title, copy and throw everything on to a blank word document and jiggle the order a bit. 有时候我真的烦透了,我会用谷歌搜索文章标题,然后复制,把所有材料一股脑儿地放进一个空白文档中,再稍稍调整一下顺序。
Faith is based on and is fed by the Word of God. 你有没有天天以神的话语作为灵粮,以致灵命得以成长?